Existentielles Leadership
Vorlesung im advanced management program der Univ. St. Gallen (HSG)
Univ. St. Gallen 24. März 2025 Stichwörter:
Phänomenologische Offenheit – existentielle Dynamik und spezifische Motivation – Mitarbeitermotivation - Vermittlung von Werten in der Führung - Führungspersönlichkeit und Ausstrahlung – Entscheidungsfindung – Sinn und Sinnfindung – Erfüllung in Beruf und Leben
Information HBM Unternehmerschule (ES-HSG)
Dr. Claudia Schmid-Schoenbein
Girtannerstr. 8
CH-9010 St.GallenMail: claudia.schmid-schoenbein@unisg.chT +41 71 224 3916Die Vorlesung kann nur im Rahmen des advanced management programs besucht werden:
https://unternehmerschule.unisg.ch/de/programme/advanced-management-program (AMP)
Es gibt aber auch die Möglichkeit, an der 10tätigen Weiterbildung teilzunehmen (s.o.) -
Leben und Arbeiten mit innerer Zustimmung: die existentielle Motivation
Existentielles Programm für Top-Führungskräfte - Vorlesung im geschlossenen Programm
Hochschulle St. Gallen (HSG) 2. - 4. September 2025 Advanced Management Program
Menschenbild – existentielle Dynamik vs. Psychodynamik – das Spezifische der existentiellen Motivation – Mitarbeiter-Beziehung und Wertevermittlung - Bedeutung personaler Stellungnahme – Was ist eine Führungspersönlichkeit? - Rolle der Ethik – Willensbildung und Entscheidungsfindung – Verantwortungsübernahme – Sinn und Sinnfindung – Erfüllung in Beruf und LebenHBM Unternehmerschule (ES-HSG) Programmleitung
Girtannerstr. 8, CH-9010 St.Gallen
Tel. +41 (0)71 224 75 01
Das Seminar kann in Einzelfällen auch ohne Teilnahme am gesamten Vorlesungsprogramm besucht werden.
Es gibt aber auch die Möglichkeit, an der 10tätigen Weiterbildung teilzunehmen (s.o.)
Existenzielles Leadership - eine 10-tägige Weiterbildung
Ein praxisorientiertes Weiterbildungsprogramm für Führungskräfte
Lochau, Schloß Hofen in Kooperation mit der HSG - Univ. St. Gallen, Executive School of Management - HBM Unternehmerschule und der FH Vorarlberg• 22. – 24. Oktober 2025
• 26. – 28. Jänner 2026
• 18. – 20. Mai 2026
• 29. Juni 2026: ONLINEExistentielles Leadership ist ein Ansatz, der - auf den Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungen der existenzanalytischen Psychotherapie und dem existentiellen Menschenbild beruhend - spezifische Modelle und Methoden entwickelt hat, mit denen der Führungsstil individuell und persönlich gestaltet werden kann. Damit unterscheidet er sich von den marktüblichen durch den Schwerpunkt in der Persönlichkeitsbildungund der selbstreflektierten Landkarte der Existenz und ihrer Grundbedin-gungen, durch die die Arbeit sinnvoller, zielgenauer und persönlich erfüllendwerden kann.Anmeldung: bernhard.gut@schlosshofen.at
bzw. Prof. Alfried Längle, alfried.laengle@et-l.orgProgramm:https://www.schlosshofen.at/bildung/psychologie-psychotherapie/existenzielles-leadership-ein-praxisorientiertes-weiterbildungsprogramm-fuer-fuehrungskraefte-hochschulkurs/Programm hier klicken; Anmeldeformular hier klicken -
How to become more myself?
9th Existential Summit in Vienna?? with Alfried Längle
5 days seminars 4 hours each on prerequisites and processes for authenticity, identification, delimitation and encounter Open for all people working in the social, psychological and rehabilitative field, psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, physicians, social workerswww.mindbodypassport.com
info@mindbodypassport.com -
Emotionality - access, understanding, importance and limits
10th Existential Summit in ?? - with Alfried Längle
Egypt and nile ?? ?? 5 days seminars 4 hours each on the role of emotionality in life, how to access it in helping professions, role for values and relationships Open for all people working in the social, psychological and rehabilitative field, psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, physicians, social workerswww.mindbodypassport.com
info@mindbodypassport.com -
Grundlagen der Existenzanalyse - eine Einführung
Vorlesung, 2st - für 2026 ähnlich geplantAbteilung für Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse
Klagenfurt, Psych. Institut der Univ. Mo, 09:00 - 14:00 Prof. Längle Di, 10:00 - 15:00 Prof. LängleFr, 09:00 - 14:00 Dr.. Zeiringer, Dr. HötzerSa, 09:00 - 14:00 Dr.. Zeiringer, Dr. HötzerFr, 09:00 - 14:00 Dr.. Zeiringer, Dr. HötzerSa, 09:00 - 14:00 Dr.. Zeiringer, Dr. HötzerPrüfungstermin: nach Absprache mit den StudentenEinführung in die Grundzüge der Existenzanalyse, auch für Propädeutikum geeignet. Gemeinsam mit Dr. Hans Zeiringer und Dr. Martin Hötzer ... -
Historie/Backlist:Existential Challenges During a Pandemic - videos available
How to Cope and Make Meaning During Quarantine - 4 Continuing Education Credits
Internet Took place on 19. + 26. April 2020, 18.00 - 20.00 Uhr MEZ How do we find meaning during a time of isolation: loss of freedom, loss of routines, and loss of physical interactions? Many of us are experiencing newfound feelings of despair, meaninglessness, and loneliness.
Join Dr. Alfried Langle for a discussion on managing negative emotions. Learn how to turn the time of quarantine into a time of personal growth using the four tenets of existential theory. Existential analysis and logotherapy can help us to better understand why we can experience psychic pain during isolation, economic instability, and widespread disease. Not only can we gain an understanding of our emotions, but we can confront and turn around these challenges.
Without our jobs, loved ones, and routines, how do we construct identity? Many of us feel we are losing our sense of self during this trying time.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss insecurities and fears during quarantine from an existential viewpoint.
- Discuss how to adjust to our “new normal.” Utilizing existential therapeutic techniques
- Apply existential theory to the treatment of anxiety and loneliness.
- Apply the four dimensions of existential theory to daily life.More Info & Registration: click here[or copy this: https://www.mindbodypassport.com/existential-challenges-during-a-pandemic]Cost: US$49
Email us at info@mindbodypassport.com. -
Existential Supervision: Managing Clients and Self in Crisis - videos available
Led by Dr. Alfried Längle, MD, PhD, Dr. h.c.mult
5 Continuing Education CreditsOnline Took place on May 10 + 17 + 24 + 31, 2020, 18.00 - 19.15 CET (Vienna) How to Manage Clients and Self In Crisis
Right now, we are in uncharted waters. Managing heightened emotions and crises can be a daunting and difficult process. Join Dr. Alfried Langle and Dr. Leslee Brown in a four week discussion series and have an opportunity to present challenging cases from your personal and professional lives. This will be a global community of mental health professionals.
Defying the Crisis: Professional Talks & Personal Meetings
The unfamiliarity of a lifestyle in quarantine brings along many challenges, both in our professional and personal lives. We therefore want to establish a platform for sharing impressions, working through questions and doubts, exchanging experiences, and professionalizing our work with clients and patients. We can all improve the methods with which we process the psychological effects of the pandemic and extract existential meaning from it. This series is not just about teaching, but learning, reflecting, sharing, and even dreaming together. It’s about what you think, feel, experience – talk about it with us!
Learning Objectives
- Discuss and reflect on personal and professional experiences of the pandemic within the theoretical framework of existential analysis.
- Apply and build on existential theoretical connections with subjective challenges.
- Develop and strengthen personal and professional resilience utilizing existential analysis and its theoretical working model.
- Discussion and supervision of professional procedures.More Info & Registration: https://www.mindbodypassport.comCost $49
Please let us know if you are having a financial hardship and need assistance. Email us at info@mindbodypassport.com -
Existential Dynamics & Therapy of Histrionic Disorder
Webinar - Online Course
Webinar - Online Course Bestellen Sie die videos unter : info@mindbodypassport.com for a special rate of US$ 135,- Die Vorlesungen fanden statt: October 20, 27, November 3, 24 2019
3 hours each session (12 hours in total)Currently, under the influence of DSM and ICD, hysteria as a disorder has disappeared. It was the most widely diagnosed neurosis up to the 1960s. This diagnosis has been lost in the jungle of diagnostics and has changed and morphed into four different diagnoses with limited, compact knowledge and understanding of a very human phenomenon.
This online course will elaborate on the origins of hysteria and will explain its emergence within normal human development. Different forms of hysteria will be introduced. Following this, treatment guidelines for dealing with hysterical behavior will be elaborated.
Learning Objectives
- Plan and create a treatment plan of histrionic personality disorders through case examples
- Identify the specific symptomology of histrionic disorders
- Describe the psycho-pathological causes of histrionic disorders
- Identify the impact of existential life for prevention and as causes for the development of Hysteria
- Discuss the history of hysteria and its development
- Discuss the widespread phenomenon of hysteria and how the diagnosis has been lost in modern diagnostics
- Plan and discuss the clinical treatment of Hysteria utilizing existential and psychodynamic theory
- Differentiate the forms and levels of disturbance of Hysteria as a diagnosis
Who Is This For?
- Psychotherapists
- Mental health professionals
- World and life learners
- Those with an interest in exploring hysteria and histrionic disorder
*No prior experience or knowledge required!and registration: https://www.mindbodypassport.com/online-hysteria
Order records at: info@mindbodypassport.com for a special rate of only US$ 135,- -
VIDEOS: English webinars on anxiety; depression + burnout; histrionic disorders
"Existential Psychotherapy: anxiety and depression in clinical practice"
Internet Vdeo recordings from the webinars 2016, 2017, and 2019 available!Session were 3 hours eachDepression: 5 session + Group SupervisionBurnout: 2 sessionsHistrionic disorders: 4 sessionsFor more information click hereCosts of videos:Only Depression webinar: 5 sessions: US$ 349Only Burnout webinar: 2 sessions: US$ 149Booking both: US$ 448,paid in full (at once): US$ 425Histrionic disorders: US$ 135To register and for more information: